
Hi, I’m Heather
I have been a sportsperson all my life. I was in every team at school I could possibly get into. At 18 I joined the BBC where I spent 16 “absolutely fabulous” years in television, but it certainly wasn’t the right job for me once my children came along. So, in my late 20’s, I trained to be a Personal Trainer, which was perfect as I could work around my girls growing up. I trained people for Triathlon/Ironman Competitions and competed myself. Now in my mid 50’s I have gained my Taekwondo Black Belt. I teach 5-13 year olds and compete too.
A few years went by and I started getting calls about this new thing called Pilates? I honestly wasn’t sure what it really was. My body was starting to struggle with all the impact and endurance training I was putting it through, so I needed something else. The research I did said Pilates was easy for anyone to do. You could take it at any level you wanted. And you didn’t need any equipment. It kept your muscles strong and flexible without any impact whatever your age. Perfect, just what I needed!
I immediately started training and was qualified the following year in 2004. So, 17 years later I am still training and have over 100 clients who have been coming to my halls weekly. They are men and women of all ages ranging from 16 to 87!

Unfortunately though Covid hit in 2020, and so my halls had to close. I was determined that we could work through this time and I learnt a new skill ‘Zoom’!
I am the most untechnical person I know, but I soon learnt how it all worked and taught my clients how to use it too. It’s now January ’23! I’m so please to be back in the halls, but to my surprise zoom is still extremely popular too. Everyone has the flexibility now of either training together or staying in the comfort of their home and still having a great workout.
Most of my clients previously would only have done 1 class a week, now most do at least 3 or 4 at no extra cost. Everyone is saying how much more flexible and strong they are than before. Even when we are allowed back out, I will definitely be carrying on with my new love ‘Zoom’!